Optimal health is not just being strong physically but emotionally as well. In order for your body to function its best we need to get ourselves in the right state of mind. For many years I have been practicing affirmations which are positive support and encouragement to get yourself focusing on your goals and dreams. If you are having a bad day, the right affirmation can change that around and send you in the right direction. Here is an example of one that I like:
“I now release and am released from everything and everyone that are no longer part of the divine plan of my life. Everything and everyone that are no longer part of the divine plan of my life now release me, and are free to go their own way.” I now step into the divine plan of my life, where everything and everyone around me support my optimal health and well-being!
If you like this affirmation write it down and repeat it out loud with meaning and belief. There are many great affirmations that you can look up yourself or even make your own! I hope you have a great week ahead full of all of the great things that you deserve and envision.